Hi, I am Fernando

Java Backend Developer | Tech Writer @Stackademic

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About Me

I'm Fernando

A Lead Java Backend Developer based in Lima - Peru

  • 1800+

    Hours of experience mastering
    algorithms & data structures, and full-stack development skills
  • Successfully

    fulfilled the role of Software Developer
    at NTT Data Europe & Latam
  • 2.2k+

  • 20+

    Articles published on
    Medium with more than 9k views
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Education & Skills

Education & Skills

  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring JPA
  • Hibernate
  • REST API Design
  • MySQL
  • JUnit & Mockito
  • Design Patterns & SOLID
  • Microservices
  • Spring Cloud
  • Kafka
  • RabbitMQ
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Redux Toolkit
  • Angular
  • Git & Github
  • Docker



HTML | CSS | JavaScript

Indulge in a culinary adventure on this website, where a delectable array of recipes awaits. Powered by APIs, our platform seamlessly retrieves meal details from a robust database. Experience the convenience of a functional 'Like' button accompanying each item, allowing you to express your approval. Immerse yourself in the culinary community by sharing your thoughts through a dedicated comment section. All this is made possible through an external API that effortlessly sends and receives data, enhancing your browsing experience.

HTML | CSS | JavaScript

Presenting the culmination of the HTML-CSS module – a captivating web page dedicated to the Most Famous Scientific Disseminators throughout history. Drawing inspiration from Cindy Shin's template, this final project encapsulates a journey through the remarkable contributions of brilliant minds. Explore the legacy of these scientific pioneers, meticulously crafted into a visually engaging web experience that pays homage to their enduring impact.

SCSS | React | Redux Toolkit | Redux Persist | React Router | Axios

Introducing MOVstrem – a dynamic mobile web application designed to transform your entertainment experience. By harnessing the power of an external API, MOVstrem seamlessly retrieves data and presents it in a user-friendly mobile format. Dive into a world of cinema and television as users explore, search, and discover movies and TV shows with ease. Unlock a new level of entertainment at your fingertips with MOVstrem.

CSS | Bootstrap | JavaScript | React | Redux

This is a Rect App done step-by-step using Redux and bootstrap.This app is part of #100DaysOfCode challenge.

CSS | React | Redux | React Router

Financial Modeling App is a mobile web application that shows financial data. Users can filter data by any parameter, when a user clicks on a specific company the app will take you to another page to show specific data about that company.

Tailwind CSS | React | Redux Toolkit | React Router | Axios

Discover the REST Countries API in a new light, complemented by a seamless color theme switcher. Our platform offers users a comprehensive view of countries sourced from the API, elegantly presented on the homepage. By region filtering empowers users to tailor their exploration. Delve deeper into any specific country by simply clicking, and unveil a wealth of detailed information on a dedicated page. Your journey of global discovery awaits.

Tailwind CSS | React | Redux Toolkit | React Router | Redux Persist | Axios | React Toastify | AOS(Animate on Scroll Library)

URL shortening API landing page. Users should be able to view the optimal layout for the site depending on their device's screen size. Users should be able to shorten any valid URL. Users should see a list of their shortened links, even after refreshing the browser.

Tailwind CSS | React | Redux Toolkit | React Router| Axios | React Toastify

Welcome to ARTISANAL PIZZA PANTRY – a dynamic React app that seamlessly connects with an external API to bring you a delectable array of pizza options. With a few clicks, users can effortlessly explore and choose the pizza that resonates with their cravings. Our user-friendly interface ensures a hassle-free experience as you embark on a culinary journey through our virtual pantry.

React | Java | Spring Boot | MySQL | Axios | Toastify | Bootstap

Embark on a comprehensive journey that seamlessly blends backend and frontend prowess. This project harmoniously integrates Spring Boot for the backend and React for the frontend, resulting in a unified experience. At its core, the project is a visionary endeavor to craft a robust Student Management System.

React | Java | Spring Boot | Spring Security | MySQL | Axios | Bootstap

This is a full-stack web application developed using React and Spring Boot, designed to efficiently manage to-do tasks. The To-Do Management System empowers users to seamlessly add, update, and delete their to-do items. This system ensures smooth communication between the frontend and backend, delivering a user-friendly interface for efficient student details management. Additionally, it offers user registration and login features, ensuring that only users with the correct roles can perform actions like updating and deleting to-do items.

Java | Spring Boot | Spring JPA | Spring Web | MySQL

Welcome to the Blog Post REST API, a robust backend system developed using Java and Spring Boot. This API is specifically designed for managing blog posts with advanced features such as sorting, pagination, search functionality, and full CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for both Posts and Comments. The system also incorporates exception handling and robust validation mechanisms to ensure data integrity.

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What they say about me

What they say about me

"Fernando was an excellent coding partner: technically skilled and patient, he helped me surpass major difficulties of the highly demanding course Microverse offers. I can recommend his professionalism, technical ability, and teamwork skills."

Ivan Silva

Desenvolvedor de sistemas e mestre em Educação Artur Nogueira, São Paulo, Brasil

"I worked with Fernando on a web development project, He is a go-getter, very eager to learn and determined to find a solution regarding all circumstances, I highly recommend him for his determination, perserverance, Team-work and top-notch soft skills."

Ntare Guy

Full Stack Developer | React | Node | Flutter | NestJS Ciudad Kigali, Ruanda

"I have worked with Fernando in Microverse program and He showed a lot of professional abilities he has got the mentality of a hard worker and also if he got stuck on something he didn't sleep till he finish it so he can deal with any kind of failure, it was a real pleasure working with him."

Omar Ragheb

Full-Stack Web Developer. JavaScript, Rails, React, Redux El Cairo, Egipto

"Fernando is a great partner to have on the team. He is very good at collaborative working and good at teaching technical skills that his partners don't know."

Francisco Ponce

Full-Stack Developer | JavaScript - React - Node - Rails - PostgreSql - MongoDB
São Paulo, Brasil

"I have worked with Fernando on Web development projects and during my work with him . I noticed his great professionalism, technical knowledge , collaborative skills , mostly very clear and consise in communicating solutions. I highly recommend him to be a very resourceful software developer, he would do more than just a great job."

Musungwa Isaac Maqueen

Web Developer
Vadodara, Gujarat, India

"I have worked with Fernando as a team and he proved himself as a great team. He is friendly, cooperative, and very professional."

Saifullah Khan

Software Engineer | Web Developer | Building Click-and-Drag Kanban Tools with React |
Karāchi, Sindh, Pakistan

"We worked together on a React-Redux project and he really knows his way around it. Very professional and really fun to work with. Overall a fantastic person, and I look forward to working with him again."

Alejandro Puente Farías

Psychologist | HR Specialist | Tech Recruiter | Full Stack Web Developer
Monterrey, Mexico

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